Effective Date: September 12, 2024 

Your privacy is important to us and maintaining your trust is our priority. JOBS IN ABA, Inc. (“JOBS IN  ABA,” “we,” “our,” or “us”), respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it through our  compliance with this “Privacy Policy”. 

This Privacy Policy describes the types of information we may collect from or about you or that you may  provide when you visit our website (www.JOBSINABA.com or use our services, and our practices for  collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information. 

Which Services are Covered? 

This Privacy Policy applies to data we collect through the following mechanisms, which are collectively  referred to as the “Services”

• On the JOBS IN ABA Website or through a JOBS IN ABA mobile application. • Through email, SMS, chat or other online communications between you and JOBS IN ABA. 

• When you sign up for JOBS IN ABA job alerts on a third-party website where JOBS IN ABA is a  co-controller with the website operator with respect to such job alert signup. 

• When you interact with a JOBS IN ABA job search widget and/or banner and/or link contained in  job advertisements that are located on a third-party website, where the owner of the third-party  website has hired JOBS IN ABA to provide services to the third party and/or your interaction  brings you to a JOBS IN ABA Website. 

• When we apply artificial intelligence (AI), including algorithms or machine learning, to help  match job seekers and employers. 

Questions/Contact Us. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy and how it applies to you, or  any other questions relating to data protection, please contact us via email at info@jobsinaba.com . 


The Website is owned and operated by JOBS IN ABA, Inc. (“JOBS IN ABA”), which provides an online  employment marketplace that connects employers to job seekers. 



We use certain defined terms that appear in this specific Privacy Policy: 


Personal  Data 

Data that is not considered Personal Data under applicable law. We reserve the right to  treat data as Personal Data or Non-Personal Data based on the law applicable to the data  and the data subject.

Personal  Data 

Sensitive  Personal  Data 

Any information or pieces of information that identifies you or could reasonably be used  to identify you or your personal device either directly (e.g., your name) or, where  required by applicable law indirectly (e.g., through pseudonymised data, such as a  unique ID number). This means that Personal Data includes things like email/home  addresses, usernames, user generated content, financial information, and health  information. It could also include certain Technical Data (defined below) such as unique  numerical identifiers like your computer’s IP address or your mobile device’s MAC  address, as well as cookies (“Device IDs”), where required by applicable law 

Personal Data that is defined or considered as “sensitive” under applicable law, which  may include data that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs,  or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership; genetic and biometric data; data  concerning health, gender, sex life or sexual orientation. 


Personal Data 

As permitted by applicable law in the country from which you access our Website and use our Services,  we may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of Personal Data about you. The table below  identifies the categories of Personal Data that JOBS IN ABA collects, uses, stores, transfers, or otherwise  processes: 


Identity Data First name, maiden name, last name, resume/CV, Social Media profile,  username or similar identifier, and profile photo 

Contact Data Physical address, email address, social media address, telephone number,  and any other contact information you provide to us 

Payment card details. However, please note that payment methods (e.g.,  

Financial Data 

credit card number and/or PayPal and/or bank account details) are not  collected by us directly, but by secure payment service providers 

Transaction Data Details about payments to and from you, and details regarding the services  that you have subscribed to or purchased through a JOBS IN ABA Website 

Technical Data Device IDs, your login data, access dates and times, browser type and  version, device information, cookie data, time zone setting and location, 


browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other  

technology on the devices you use to access the Website 

Your username and password, orders made by you, preferences, user 

Profile Data 

generated content, job searches, candidate searches, job applications,  feedback and survey responses 

Business Information Job title, company name, company location, number of employees at the  company, and other company-level data 

Usage Data Information about how you use our Website, products and services 

Marketing and  Communications  Data 

Non-Personal Data 

Your preferences in receiving marketing from us and our third parties and  your communication preferences 

We also collect, use and share “Aggregated Data” (where data has been combined or collected together  in summary or other form that cannot identify an individual) or “De-Identified Data” (where Personal  Data points have been removed so that the remaining data cannot reasonably be linked to an identifiable  individual) for any purpose. Aggregated Data and De-Identified Data may each be derived from Personal  Data but are not considered Personal Data since it does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For  example, we may aggregate your Usage Data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific  website feature. We will maintain and use De-Identified Data as permitted in this Privacy Policy without  attempting to reidentify it. 

If You Fail to Provide Personal Data Where Such Data is Required to Provide Services to You 

Where we need to collect Personal Data by law, or under the terms of a contract we have with you, or a  prospective contract, and you fail to provide that Personal Data when requested, we may not be able to  perform the contract we have or are trying to enter into with you (for example, to provide you with our  services). If so, we may have to cancel the service you have with us (or have requested from us), and you  

accept that as a condition of service. 

Data That You Should Not Provide to Us 

JOBS IN ABA does not require any Sensitive Personal Data about you in order for you to utilize the  JOBS IN ABA Website. If you are submitting your resume to our database or sharing your resume with a  prospective employer directly using a job application feature on the JOBS IN ABA Website, please 

carefully consider the information that is contained within your resume and ensure that you are not  providing any sensitive or other information that is not necessary for your job application or job search.  


We use different methods to collect Personal Data from and about you including, for example: Direct Interaction with Us 

You may give us your Identity Data, Contact Data, Financial Data, Profile Data, and other information by  filling in forms or by corresponding with us by post, phone, e-mail or otherwise. This includes Personal  Data you provide when you: 

• sign-up for a free trial 

• sign-up for a paid subscription 

• create an account on our Website 

• request information to be sent to you 

• submit your resume/CV to our resume database 

• give us feedback 

• apply to a job posted on our Website 

• sign up for email or SMS job alerts 

• authorize JOBS IN ABA to connect your account to the account of a “Connected Site” (e.g.,  Google, LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram), we may be able to access information you have  provided to the Connected Site, such as profile information, content information, timeline feeds,  contact and follow lists, network statistics, and/or updates regarding your Connected Site account 

Automated Technologies or Interactions 

As you interact with our Website, we may automatically collect Technical Data and Usage Data about  your equipment, browsing actions and patterns. We collect this Personal Data and Non-Personal Data by  using cookies, server logs and other similar technologies. We may also receive Technical Data and Usage  Data about you if you visit other websites employing our cookies and other Tracking Technologies  (defined below). For more information regarding our use of Tracking Technologies, please refer to  “Cookies and Similar Technologies” below. 

Third Parties 

We may receive Personal Data in the form of Technical Data and Usage Data about you from various  third parties, such as analytics providers or advertising networks. If you are a Client, we may receive  additional Business Information from third-party sources to supplement the Business Information you  provide. For non-users, we may also receive Business Information and Contact Data from third-party  sources. 

JOBS IN ABA as a Service Provider (Data Processor)

In certain instances, our clients hire JOBS IN ABA to provide services on behalf of the client. In such  case, we process Personal Data under the direction of that client (the data controller) and have no direct  relationship with the individuals (data subjects) whose Personal Data we process. 

Where JOBS IN ABA processes your Personal Data in the capacity of a service provider (data processor),  and you seek access, or want to correct, amend, or delete your Personal Data, or have other request, we  will provide you with the data controller’s contact information, so you can contact them directly. In rare  instances, however, circumstances may necessitate JOBS IN ABA assisting you with your question or  request. 

For example, some clients hire JOBS IN ABA to send job alert emails to their job seekers who have  requested job alert emails from such clients. In these cases, JOBS IN ABA acts as a service provider (i.e.,  data processor) to the client, who is the data controller. When JOBS IN ABA provides services in the  capacity of a service provider, it acts under the instructions and at the direction of such client (i.e., the  data controller). In the foregoing example, if you are a job seeker who has requested job alert emails from  one of our clients, the client will provide us certain Personal Data about you (such as your name, email  address, the type of job you want, and your preferred geographic location) to ensure that the job alert  emails meet your search criteria. If you have questions or requests about your Personal Data with respect  to the job alert emails, we will provide you with the data controllers contact information so that you can  contact the data controller directly. 


Use of Non-Personal Data 

Where permitted by applicable law, we may use your Non-Personal Data for any purpose not prohibited  by applicable law or inconsistent with this Privacy Policy or any written representation we have made to  you at the point and time of the data collection. 

Use of Personal Data 

We will only use your Personal Data to provide services directly to you (in our capacity as a business/data  controller) and/or to provide services to you on behalf of our clients (in our capacity as a service  provider/data processor), except as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy or with your consent. 

In the table below, we have described (i) in what context your Personal Data was collected, i.e., what  activity you were involved in when we collected or used your Personal Data; (ii) the types of Personal  Data that we hold about you; (iii) how and why we use your Personal Data; and (iv) the reasons we hold  and use your Personal Data. We will amend the table as required. We have also provided you with an  explanation of some of the terms we use in this table: 

“User Experience” means our goals in conducting and managing our business, to give you the best user  experience when using our Website, products, and Services. 

“Performance of Contract” means processing your Personal Data where it is necessary for the  performance of a contract to which you are a party or to take steps at your request before entering into  such a contract.

“Comply with a legal or regulatory obligation” means processing your Personal Data where it is  necessary for compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation to which we are subject. 

“Consent” means that you consent to our use of your Personal Data for one or more specific purposes.  Where we rely on your consent to use your Personal Data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at  any time. You can do this by contacting us at support@jobsinaba.com . However, this will not affect the  lawfulness of any processing carried out before you withdraw your consent. If you withdraw your  consent, we may not be able to provide certain products or services to you. We will advise you if this is  the case at the time you withdraw your consent.

Account Creation  and Management• Identity Data • Contact Data • Billing Data • Financial Data • Technical Data • Transaction Data • Profile Data • Business Information • Other information  you have shared with  us about yourself  (e.g., via your “My  Account” page), by  contacting us, or a  question via the chat  function• To create and manage  your account • To communicate with  you about your account,  and process your order • To manage our  relationship with you • To offer you  personalized services  based on your  preferences • To respond to your  questions • To send you email  and/or SMS job alerts if  you registered to  receive such job alerts • To send you marketing  communications (where  you have asked us to)  which may be tailored  to your “profile” (i.e.  based on the Personal  Data we know about  you and your  preferences) • To manage payments,  fees and charges. Please  note that payment • To perform our  contract with you  so you can create  your account and  use our Services • To optimize your  user experience to  (i) improve our  Services; (ii) better  engage with you;  (iii) mitigate or  prevent fraud; and  (iv) secure our tools • Consent – so you  can receive job  alert emails or  marketing  communications
methods (e.g., credit  card number and/or  PayPal and/or bank  account details) are not  collected by us directly,  but by secure payment  service providers • To collect monies owed  to us • To run analytics or  collect statistics • To manage any surveys,  promotions or  competitions you  entered • To communicate with  you regarding our  services
Newsletter and  Marketing  Communications• Identity Data • Contact Data • Profile Data • Business Information • Marketing and  Communications  Data • Other information  you have shared with  us about yourself  (e.g., via your “My  Account” page), by  contacting us, or a  question via the chat  function• To send you marketing  communications (where  you have asked us to)  which may be tailored  to your “profile” based  on the Personal Data  we know or learn about  you and your  preferences • To send you newsletters  where you have  indicated an interest or  shown an interest based  on your preferences as  shown by your activity  on the Website and/or  your profile • To keep your Contact  data on a suppression  list if you’ve indicated  you don’t want to be • To optimize your  user experience and  provide you with  information about  JOBS IN ABA products and  services that may  be of interest to you • Consent (where  required by  applicable law) – so  you can receive  newsletters, and  information about  products and  services that may  be of interest to you
communicated in a  particular way • To run analytics or  collect statistics • To identify business  prospects and send  marketing materials  where permissible by  law
Purchases,  Subscriptions,  and/or Order  Management• Identity Data • Contact Data • Billing Data • Financial Data • Technical Data • Transaction Data • Profile Data • Business Information • Other information  you have shared with  us about yourself  (e.g., via your “My  Account” page), by  contacting us, or a  question via the chat  function• To process your order  for a subscription or  other purchased  products or services • To manage payment.  Please note that your  payment information  (credit card  number/PayPal/bank  account details) are not  collected by us directly,  but by secure payment  service providers • To communicate with  you regarding your  subscription or  purchase • To secure your  transaction against  fraud. We may use a  third-party provider’s  solution to detect fraud  and make sure that  payment is completed • To update your  transaction history in  your account profile • To perform invoicing,  debt collections, or • The performance of  a contract – so you  can make purchases  and we can manage  the associated  logistics • To optimize your  user experience,  including but not  limited to : (i)  improving our  products and  services; and (ii)  preventing fraud • To comply with a  legal obligation – to  keep information  we are required  to, e.g., to comply  with our tax and  financial reporting  obligations with  respect to monies  you have paid us
manage payment  disputes or issues with  the services • To run analytics or  collect statistics.
Website  Administration• Identity Data • Contact Data • Business Information • Technical Data• To provide  administration and IT  services, network  security, to prevent  fraud • To troubleshoot • To perform data  analysis, testing, system  maintenance, support,  reporting and hosting of  data • To run analytics or  collect statistics • To monitor and  improve our website• To optimize your  user experience  when using our  Website and the  services and  products provided  through the Website • To perform our  contract with you  and provide  services to you
Use  of Website/Mobile  Apps• Identity Data • Contact Data • Usage Data • Profile Data • Business Information • Technical Data • Transaction Data• To provide you with the  service(s) you  requested such as  sending your job  application, sending  you resumes, posting  your job ad, providing  you with products that  you’ve requested,  notifying you when  your resume has been  viewed • To analyse your  preferences and tailor  content• To provide you  with the service(s)  you have requested  on the devices that  you are using to  access our Services • To optimize your  user experience  based on the  devices you use to  access our Services. • To improve our  Website, Services,  and your user  experience
• To monitor and  improve our apps and  devices • To run analytics and  statistics.
Online  Browsing Where  your Personal Data  may be collected by  cookies or similar  technologies and data analytics• Usage Data such as  where you came  from; login details;  pages you looked at;  duration of your visit;  specifics of the  services and products  you purchased; jobs  that you applied to;  jobs that you opened;  candidate resumes  that you viewed; type  of jobs you posted;  location of jobs • Technical Data such  as your IP address;  browser  information; device  information; and/or your unique ID and  the expiration date of  the ID • Identity Data • Transaction Data • Profile Data • Business Information• To improve our  Website,  products/services and  your user experience • To run analytics and  collect statistics • To enable our Website  to function properly  (ensure proper display  of content); create and  remember your account  login details; interface  personalization, such as  language, or any user interface customization  (i.e. parameters  attached to your device  including your screen  resolution or font  preference), etc. • To understand how you  arrived at our Website • We use information  derived from cookies  together with other  Personal Data that you  have already shared  with us to deliver you  information about  employment  opportunities that may  interest you based on  the job searches you  made on the Website,  jobs you applied to or • To enhance your  user experience  based on the device  you use to access  our Services and  the choices you  have made, to save  your personal  settings or  preferences • Consent, when  required by  applicable law  and/or the choices  you have made, to  store cookies on  your device
email alerts you signed  up for; candidates that  may interest you based  upon the job ad you  posted; the  resumes/CVs you  viewed • To customize our  Services for you based  upon your activity on  the Website, your  preferences for certain  skillsets or certain jobs • To ensure the proper  display of content,  including redirecting  you to your local JOBS  IN ABA website where  appropriate; to  remember your  preferences, login and  account details, and to  improve our  websites/apps, for  example, by testing  new ideas, features,  layouts • To ensure our  websites/apps are  secure and safe, and to  protect you against  fraud or misuse of our  websites/apps or  services • To run data analytics  and collect statistics
Promotions Where your  Personal Data was  collected during a • Identity Data • Contact Data• To receive your contest  entry, manage your  participation in the  promotion, take • The performance of  a contract – so you  may enter into a  promotion, receive  notification of 
promotion, contest  survey or feedback• Technical Data • Usage Data • Profile Data • Business Informationaccount of your  feedback • To run analytics and  statistics; • To send you candidates,  jobs or information and  products and services  that may interest you  based on your feedback  and suggestionsresults, notification  of a prize, and/or  any other  communications  related to the  promotion • To manage your  responses, reply to  your feedback, and  communicate with  you regarding any  recommendations  and/or new features  or functionality  based on your  feedback or survey  .
User-Generated  Content Such as profile,  resumes/CVs, job  ads, ratings• Identity Data • Contact Data • Usage Data • Profile Data • Business Information • Transaction Data • Technical Data• To send your  resume/CV to the  employer whose job ad  you applied to or to  send you resumes of  candidates that appear  to have the skill set in  your job ad • To run analytics and  statistics • To add the resumes/CV  you’ve viewed or the  jobs that you’ve applied  for, to your account and  profile • To add your resume/CV  to the ‘Resume  Database’, if you’ve  opted-in on a Website • To help you build your  profile during account  creation and suggest  jobs to you based on • To provide you  with the Services  you have requested,  including, but not  limited to, adding  your resume/CV to  our resume/CV  database, posting  your job ad on our  Website, facilitating  your job  application, and/or  distributing your  content in  accordance with  any contract we  have with you • To improve our  Website, Services,  and your user  experience
your profile and/or  resume • To use portions of your  profile, resume/CV,  and/or job ads for  internal purposes,  including to help  improve our matching  and algorithms
Enquiries and  Messaging  Initiated by You Where your  Personal Data is  collected when you  ask questions  relating to our  services and/or  your account• Identity Data • Contact Data • Profile Data • Business Information • Transaction Data • Technical Data • Usage such as  content of chats,  messages, or  enquiries; number of  messages you’ve sent  and received; when  you viewed a  message; who  responded to your  chats• To answer and manage  your enquiries • To run analytics and  statistics • To add your questions  or concerns to your  profile so we can  understand your  interests and  preferences • To troubleshoot any  problems that you are  experiencing • We also may use  automatic scanning  technology on  messages to allow us to  recognize patterns on  our messaging platform  to make your  professional  communications more  efficient and informed  and contribute to a safer  and more secure job  search experience or  check links shared in  messages for malicious  sites and looks for • In order to respond  to your enquiries • Where we need to  comply with a  legal, regulatory, or  contractual  obligation and/or  where we need to  communicate with  you regarding your  use of our products  and/or Services
blacklisted keywords to  detect spam and fraud.


We require all third parties to respect the security of your Personal Data and to treat it in accordance with  the law. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your Personal Data for their own  purposes and only permit them to process your Personal Data for specified purposes and in accordance  with our instructions and this Privacy Policy. Below we explain in more detail how JOBS IN ABA shares  or discloses your Personal Data outside of JOBS IN ABA. 

Disclosures of Personal Data at Your Direction 

We disclose your Personal Data when you intentionally interact with third parties and when you direct us  or intentionally use JOBS IN ABA to share your Personal Data in connection with the services that we  provide to you. For example: 

• If you are a job seeker, we will share your Personal Data as follows: 

• If you apply to a job posting on our Website, we will share your Identity Data and  Contact Data with the prospective employer and/or their agent of the job to which you  applied, including but not limited to, any external Applicant Tracking System or any  other external systems used by the direct employer to manage the hiring of employees or  other categories of workers. 

• For any other purpose authorized by you when you provide us with the information or  otherwise choose to participate in new features and functions available through the  Services. 

• If you are a Client, we will share your Personal Data as follows: 

• If you authorize JOBS IN ABA to send automated personalized invitations or other  communications to candidates on your behalf, your Identity Data and Business  

Information will be shared with candidates that are invited to connect with you and/or  apply to your job. 

• For any other purpose authorized by you when you provide us with the information or  otherwise choose to participate in new features and functions available through the  Services. 

Disclosures of Personal Data for a Business Need or Other Purpose

We describe in detail below how JOBS IN ABA may share or disclose Personal Data with third parties: Internal Parties 

With the JOBS IN ABA team: We may disclose your Personal Data to our internal JOBS IN  ABA team. Access to your Personal Data will be controlled and only granted where necessary to  provide our services to you and/or to allow us to perform any necessary or legitimate functions. 

External Third-Parties 

Service Providers, vendors, and contractors: We may disclose your Personal Data to service  providers, vendors, or independent contractors that we use to support our business and/or help  provide our services to you, including, but not limited to, third-parties that host our Website,  assist us to verify your identity, perform website and platform maintenance, risk assessments, and  security, perform data and web analytics, provide databases, IT services, customer service,  payment platforms and credit card processing, communication services, and email services. These  parties may be located in the United States and/or other countries (see section below entitled  “Where Your Data is Transferred”). 

Advertising partners or advertising networks: We may disclose certain Personal Data about  you that is collected through cookies and other tracking technologies with third party advertising  partners, advertising networks, publishers, or similar so that we can help target JOBS IN ABA advertisements, personalize advertising content, measure the effectiveness of our ads, auditing  related to counting ad impressions to unique visitors, verifying positioning and quality of ad  impressions, measuring ad performance, conducting ad fraud detection, recording on ad  viewability, and auditing compliance, and carry out similar advertising functions.  

Professional advisors: We may disclose your Personal Data to professional advisers, such as  lawyers, bankers, auditors and insurers who provide consultancy, banking, legal, insurance,  financial, auditing, and accounting services to us so we can operate our business. 

Third Parties for a Specific Business Purpose: We may disclose Personal Data to carry out  specific business purposes. For example: 

• Fraud prevention and identity verification services where we believe that disclosure is  necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of JOBS IN ABA, our  customers or others. This includes exchanging information with third-parties for the  purposes of fraud detection and prevention and credit risk reduction. 

• To enforce our Terms of Use and other agreements with you, to respond to, and defend  ourselves against, claims asserted against us, to protect the rights, property, or safety of  JOBS IN ABA, our services, customers or others, or to investigate, prevent, or take action  regarding suspected or actual illegal activities or for debt collection. 

• Upon your authorization, the Services may also post information directly to the timeline  of your Connected Site Account. 

• From time to time, we may run contests, special offers, or other events or activities  (“Events“) on our Services together with a third-party partner. If you provide information 

to such third parties, you give them permission to use it for the purpose of that Event and  any other use that you approve. We cannot control third parties’ use of your information.  If you do not want your information to be collected by or shared with a third party, you  can choose not to participate in these Events. 

• For any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information. 

Third Parties for Purposes of a Business Transfer: We may disclose Personal Data in  connection with or during negotiations of any proposed or actual financing, merger, purchase,  sale, sale or transfer of some or all of our assets or stock, joint venture, or any other type of  financing, acquisition or business combination of our company(ies), or all or any portion of our  assets, or transfer of all or a portion of our business to another company, including without  limitation in the event of a divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution or other event,  whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation or similar proceeding. In the  event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, or other sale or transfer of some or all  of our assets or stock, Personal Data that we hold about our clients and users of our services will  be one of the assets that will be transferred. If a change happens to our business, the new owners  may only use your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 

Third Parties with Your Consent: We may disclose Personal Data to third parties, where you  have expressly consented to the disclosure of your Personal Data. 

Government Entities: We may disclose Personal Data to law enforcement agencies, courts,  supervisory authorities, regulatory bodies and certain other third-parties, to the extent that we are  permitted or required to do so by law, or in order to comply with our legal and regulatory  obligations, or in the interests of national security, or to respond to verified requests relating to a  criminal investigation or alleged or suspected illegal activity. This may also include taxing  authorities, such as the Internal Revenue Service and other authorities acting as processors based  in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other applicable countries, who require reporting  of processing activities in certain circumstances. 

The table below identifies which categories of Personal Data may be disclosed to the third parties  described above.

Category of Personal Data Disclosed Categories of Third Parties
Identity Data, Contact Data, Transaction Data,  Technical Data, Profile Data, Business Information,  Usage Data, and Marketing and Communications  Data• JOBS IN ABA team • Service providers, vendors, contractors • Advertising partners or advertising networks • Professional advertisers • Third parties for a specific business purpose • Third parties for purposes of a business transfer
Category of Personal Data Disclosed Categories of Third Parties
• Third parties with your consent • Government entities
Financial Data • JOBS IN ABA Group • Service providers, vendors, contractors • Professional advertisers • Third parties for a specific business purpose • Third parties for purposes of a business transfer • Third parties with your consent • Government entities

Non-Personal Data 

Where permitted by applicable law, we may share your Non-Personal Data for any purpose not prohibited  by applicable law or inconsistent with this Privacy Policy or any written representation we have made to  you at the point and time of the data collection. 

Sale of Personal Data or Use for Targeted Advertising 

Your privacy is our priority, and we do not monetize your Personal Data by selling it to third parties. 

After you visit our Website and/or use our Services, you may receive targeted advertisements about JOBS  IN ABA when you visit other websites (i.e., social media sites, search engines or other websites that are  unrelated to JOBS IN ABA) (collectively, “Other Websites”). This happens because we use third-party  vendors to provide you with information about our Services based upon your interactions with our  Website. We also may place third-party cookies and other tracking technologies on our Website to track  your interactions with JOBS IN ABA ads placed on Other Websites. 

These third-party vendors may additionally collect certain Personal Data about you through cookies and  other tracking technologies. These third-party vendors may work with additional downstream providers in  their relationship network that assist the third-party vendor in providing the advertising services to us.  When this information is disclosed by JOBS IN ABA in the manner described above, it may constitute a  “sale” or “use for targeted advertising” under applicable privacy laws. We disclose the following  categories of Personal Data with third party advertising partners or advertising networks for the purpose  of showing you ads about JOBS IN ABA Services: 

• Identity Data 

• Contact Data

• Transaction Data 

• Business Information 

• Profile Data 


JOBS IN ABA, Inc. is headquartered in the United States of America (USA). The information that you  provide or that we collect as a result of your interaction with the Website and/or your use of our Services  is transferred to the USA and/or to another country where we have a subsidiary or where we have engaged  service providers. As a result, your Personal Data may be subject to data protection and other laws that  may differ from your country of residence. Your Personal Data may be disclosed in response to inquiries  or requests from governmental or regulatory authorities in the countries in which we and/or our service  providers operate. 


Different retention periods apply for different types of Personal Data and in determining the appropriate  retention period, we consider several criteria, including, but not limited to, the purpose for which we hold  your Personal Data, our legal, accounting, reporting and/or regulatory obligations in relation to that  Personal Data (e.g., financial or tax reporting obligations), whether our relationship with you is ongoing  (e.g., where you use more than one of our products and/or services), any specific request you may have  made in relation to the deletion of your Personal Data, or where we have a legitimate interest in relation to  the management of our own rights (e.g., the defense of any claims). In some circumstances we may  anonymize your Personal Data so that it can no longer be associated with you, in which case we may use  such information without further notice to you. 

Once you no longer have a relationship with us, we will retain or securely delete or destroy your Personal  Data subject to the foregoing and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. If you request to  receive no further contact from us, we will keep some basic information about you on our suppression list  in order to avoid sending you unwanted materials in the future. 


We respect your privacy rights and provide you with reasonable access and rights to the Personal Data  that you may have provided through your use of the Services, in accordance with applicable law. 

Data Subject Rights 

Depending on applicable law, you may have the following rights with respect to your Personal Data:

Right to Information The right to know whether we process Personal Data about you and, if so, what Personal  Data we hold about you and how we use it.
Right of Access The right to be provided with a copy of your Personal Data (subject to certain restrictions  under applicable law).
Right to Delete The right to request that we delete your Personal Data (subject to certain restrictions under  applicable law).
Right  of Rectification/CorrectionThe right to require us to correct any incomplete or inaccurate Personal Data we hold about  you, though we may need to verify the accuracy of the new data you provide to us. If you  have a user account with us, you also have the option of correcting your information  directly in your account.
Right to withdraw consent at  any timeYou have the right to withdraw your consent at any time where we are relying on consent  to process your Personal Data. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any  processing carried out before you withdraw your consent. If you withdraw your consent,  we may not be able to provide certain products or services to you. We will advise you if  this is the case at the time you withdraw your consent.
Right to opt out of  sale/targeted advertisingYou have the right to opt-out of the sales of your Personal Data or the processing of your  Personal Data for purposes of targeted advertising. To submit an opt-out request, you (or  your authorized representative) may email us at support@jobsinaba.com .

If you have any complaints about how JOBS IN ABA handles Personal Data, please send an email  to support@jobsinaba.com , and identify the specific issue to which your request relates. We welcome the  opportunity to help you with any concern or questions you may have about the use of our services, and we  will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe. 

For residents located in Nevada: Nevada residents who wish to exercise their sale opt-out rights under  Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A may submit a request to this designated  

address: support@jobsinaba.com. However, please know JOBS IN ABA does not currently sell data  triggering the opt-out requirements under Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A. 

For residents located in certain U.S. states: If required under applicable state privacy law, you may also  have the right to: (i) opt out of processing of Personal Data for purposes of profiling in furtherance of  decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects (if such profiling occurs); (ii) request a list of  third parties with whom we have disclosed personal data; and (iii) appeal any decision by JOBS IN ABA,  including a decision not to take an action relating to your applicable rights, by sending an email  to support@jobsinaba.com . 

For data subjects located in Canada: If you are not satisfied with how we have handled your matter, you  may wish to contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC). Residents of Alberta may  also obtain information regarding JOBS IN ABA’s policies and practices with respect to its non-Canadian 

service providers by sending an email to support@jobsinaba.com. A member of our Data Subject  Response Team will respond to any such request. 

For data subjects located in Australia: We comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”),  which regulate how we collect, use, disclose, store, correct and protect your Personal Data. If you are not  satisfied with how we have handled your matter, you may wish to contact the Office of the Australian  Information Commissioner. 

For data subjects located in New Zealand: If you are not satisfied with how we have handled your  matter, you may wish to contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of New Zealand. 

Method for Requesting Information Pursuant to Your Rights 

If you would like to exercise any of the data subject access rights in the table above (each, a “Rights  Request”) please send an email to suppport@jobsinaba.com with your specific request to which your  request relates. We will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe. 

No Fee Usually Required 

You will not usually be required to pay a fee to access your Personal Data (or to exercise any of the other  rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or  excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances and, in such  case, we will notify you within a reasonable timeframe regarding our reasons for refusing to act on your  request. 

What We May Need from You 

Once we receive your Rights Request, we may need to request specific information from you to help us  confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your Personal Data (or to exercise any of your other  rights). This is a security measure to ensure that Personal Data is not disclosed to any person who has no  right to receive it. 

If we are not clear as to what you are requesting, we may also need to contact you for clarification so we  can more fully respond to your request. 

If we cannot locate any records about you, we may also ask you for additional information to assist us in  locating records, if they exist. 

Using an Authorized Agent: If you are using an authorized agent to submit a Rights Request (where  permitted by applicable law), the authorized agent must provide documentation or other proof indicating  that they are authorized to act on your behalf. For requests to correct, access or delete, we may require  you to verify your identity directly with us (for example, by emailing us directly from the email address  associated with your user account), and directly confirm with us that you provided the authorized agent  permission to submit the Rights Request. If you are an authorized agent, you may make a request by  emailing support@jobsinaba.com and providing documentation or other proof indicating that you are  authorized by the data subject to act on their behalf. The agent must provide documentation necessary (as  determined in JOBS IN ABA’s discretion) to verify the agent has authority to act on the data subject’s  behalf as required by applicable law.

Time Limit to Respond 

We try to respond to all legitimate requests within the timeframes required under applicable law.  Occasionally it may take us longer than the time period required under applicable law if your request is  particularly complex or you have made a number of requests. In this case, we will notify you as to the  reason for the delay. 

Deleting Your Account 

If you would like to delete your account, you may log in to your Account Setting on the Website and click  “Delete Account” or you can send an email to support@jobsinaba.com asking for your account to be  deleted. If you close or delete your account, we may still retain certain information for analytical purposes  and recordkeeping integrity, as well as to prevent fraud, resolve disputes, enforce our Terms of Use or  other policies, take actions we deem necessary due to technical and legal requirements, and as dictated by  constraints related to the security, integrity and operation of our Services. 


California residents have the right to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal  information (as defined by the California Shine the Light Act) to third parties for their direct marketing  purposes unless we provide them with an ability to exercise choice regarding such disclosures. We  comply with this law by providing California residents with the ability to opt-out of, or prospectively  withdraw their consent, if they have previously opted-in to, the disclosure of Personal Data to third parties  for their direct marketing purposes. If you are a California resident, to receive confirmation of how we  comply with this law, or to make a request or to opt out at any time, please contact us  at support@jobsinaba.com. Any request must include “California Privacy Rights Request” in the first line  of the description and must include the requestor’s name, street address, city, state, and ZIP code. 


We may use your Personal Data to send you information about the services provided by the JOBS IN  ABA Group; provided, however that we will obtain consent to do so where required by applicable law.  You may unsubscribe from our marketing e-mails by clicking “Unsubscribe” in any promotional e-mail  communications we send you. As permitted by applicable law, you cannot opt-out of non-marketing,  services-related notices. 


JOBS IN ABA and third parties may use cookies or similar tracking technologies (e.g., pixels, beacons,  scripts, etc.) (“Tracking Technologies”) to analyze trends, administer the Website, track users’  movements around the Website, gather demographic information about our user base as a whole, display  advertising on our Websites, or manage our advertising on other sites. You can control the use of cookies  at the individual browser level or via our cookie consent manager on the Website (where available), but if  you choose to disable cookies, it may limit your use of certain features or functions on our website or  service. 

If you are accessing the Website from a location outside the EEA, U.K., or Canada, you understand that  we apply U.S. law and the U.S. advertising industry self-regulatory program to Tracking Technologies  associated with the Website. 

We partner with third parties to either display advertising on our websites or to manage our advertising on  other sites. Our third-party partners may use cookies or similar technologies in order to provide you  advertising based upon your browsing activities and interests. If you wish to opt out of any interest-based  advertising, please email us at support@jobsinaba.com. Please note that you will continue to receive  generic ads. 

We use mobile analytics software to allow us to better understand the functionality of our Mobile  Software on your phone. This software may record information such as how often you use the application,  the events that occur within the application, aggregated usage, performance data and the website from  which the application was downloaded. 

We use email pixels to track whether our marketing emails are opened so that we can understand the  effectiveness of our email marketing campaigns. If you wish to block email pixels, you will need to use  the function offered by most email providers which prevents your emails from automatically loading  images. 

To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may send you push notifications from time-to-time in order  to update you about any events or promotions that we may be running. If you no longer wish to receive  these types of communications, you may turn them off at the device level. To ensure you receive proper  notifications, we will need to collect certain information about your device such as operating system and  user identification information. 


We use appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect Personal Data we process about you. 

However, no transmission of information via the Internet or wireless network can be guaranteed to be  100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your Personal Data, you acknowledge that there are  security and privacy limitations of the Internet which are beyond our control and accordingly, the security,  integrity and privacy of data exchanged between you and us through the Website cannot be guaranteed. 

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected Personal Data breach and will notify you and  any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so. 

The safety and security of your Personal Data also depends on you. Where we have given you (or where  you have chosen) a password for access to certain parts of our Website, you are responsible for keeping  this password confidential. We ask you not to share your login or account credentials with anyone and  keep your account information secure. We urge you to be careful about giving out information in public  areas of the Website like message boards, where information will be available to other users of the  Website. If you believe that your access credentials or Personal Data have been compromised, please  contact us immediately. 


Our Website may from time to time, contain links to third-party services such as websites, locations,  platforms, applications or services operated by third parties. If you follow a link to or otherwise access  any of these third-party services, these third-party services may use their own cookies, web beacons, and  other Tracking Technology to independently collect information about you and may solicit Personal Data  from you. Please note that these third-party services have their own privacy policies and we do not accept  any responsibility or liability for these parties’ policies or practices. Please check these policies before  you share any Personal Data with these third-party services. 

We may offer you the opportunity to use your social media login when interacting with our Website. If  you do so, please be aware that you may be sharing your profile information with us. The Personal Data  that is shared will depend on your social media platform settings. Please visit the relevant social media  platform and review its privacy policy to understand how your Personal Data is shared and used in this  context. 

Social media features may also collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our Website, and  may set a cookie or other Tracking Technologies to enable the applicable social media feature to function  properly. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company  providing such features. 

The Website may include tools provided by us or third-party services that enable you to send a message to  another person. If you use any such tools, please ensure that you only send messages to persons to whom  you have permission to send messages. Absent the recipient’s consent, we will only use their Personal  Data that you provide us to facilitate such messages. 


You should be aware that when you voluntarily disclose any Personal Data in a public forum on the  Website, this information, along with any information disclosed in your communication, can be collected  and used by third parties and may result in unsolicited messages from third parties. Such activities are  beyond our control and this Privacy Policy does not apply to such information. You accept that you, and  not JOBS IN ABA, are responsible for providing such information in any public forum. Any submissions  to public areas on the Website are accepted by you with the understanding that such forums are accessible  to all third parties. If you do not want your comments or any content to be viewed by third parties, you are  advised not to make any submissions. Please be careful and responsible whenever you’re online. 


If you have a complaint, or if you have any questions or requests regarding your Personal Data, please  email us at support@jobsinaba.com , and specify the country in which you are located and the website to  which your request relates. We welcome the opportunity to help you with any concern or questions you  have about the use of our services.  


We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. If we propose to make any material  changes, we will notify you by posting a notice on the Website or by issuing an email to the email address  listed by registered users prior to the changes becoming effective. You acknowledge that it is your 

responsibility to maintain a valid email address as a registered user, and to review the Website and this  Privacy Policy periodically in order to be aware of any modifications. If you object to any changes to the  revised Privacy Policy, you can stop using our services and close your account with us. However, if you  continue to use our services (including the Website) after we publish a new or updated Privacy Policy,  you acknowledge that such continued use means that the treatment of your Personal Data will be subject  to the new or updated Privacy Policy. 


Our Services and the Websites are not intended for use by persons under the age of 18 years. JOBS IN  ABA does not knowingly collect or solicit Personal Data from anyone under the age of 13 or knowingly  allow such persons to register to use our Website. In the event that we learn that we have collected  Personal Data of a child under the age of 13, we will delete that data to the extent required by applicable  law as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any Personal Data from or about a child  under 13, please contact us at support@jobsinsaba.com . 

Technical Support or Customer Service Questions or Requests. Wherever you are located, if you have  any questions as regards the use of our services, questions about your account, and/or technical or other  customer support questions regarding your use of our services, please contact us via email at  support@jobsinaba.com .